The basis of sin is often rooted in selfishness. It was selfishness that got Satan kicked out of heaven. It was selfishness that caused Adam and Eve to sin. It was selfishness that caused Cain to murder his brother Abel. And it is selfishness that will destroy our lives if we let it. James Dobson said, " The philosophy of “me first” has the power to blow our world to pieces, whether applied to marriage, business, or international politics." Why must a person be so selfish? How can we avoid selfishness in our daily lives? Well, Paul in writing to the church in Philippi summed it up in Phil 2:3, 4 when he wrote, "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." If we want to avoid selfishness then we need to model our lives around Jesus Christ. Jesus took the form of a bond-servant. Jesus laid down His life for us. Jesus was the servant of all. Yes, it is true that selfishness kills. But, it is also true that putting others before yourself gives life!