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Writer's picturePastor Bobby

Fresh Fire

E. Stanley Jones once asked, "Why is it when you speak to the modern church about Pentecost that cold shivers go up and down the spines of cultured people?" That's a good question, it's probably because of all the weird things people have done in the name of the Holy Spirit. The amount of unbiblical activity taking place throughout churches in America have caused some to discard the work of the Spirit all together. That would be like throwing the baby out with the bath water yet that is what some have done. Some have traded the work of the spirit for the work of religion. We need the Holy Spirits power to fulfill this great commission. We need the Spirits help to lead us in the truth. We need the Holy Spirits assistance to soften the hard hearts of lost people. There is a difference between a dead saint and a dry saint. A dead saint is like a statue that never moves and eventually the pigeons will land on it and build their nest. But a dry saint is like dry wood, easily kindled. Dry wood catches on fire faster. Even though they have dry prayers and sometimes dry worship all it takes is for someone to strike the match of motivation and watch them kindle fast. Acts 1:8 says, "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be [a]witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea andSamaria, and to the end of the earth.” Ask God for His Holy Spirit today!

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