I think most of you would agree that there is a time when the Christian must defend the faith. I think most of you would agree that there is a time when the Christian must live by faith. I think most of you would agree that there is a time when the Christian must pray in faith or a time when the Christian must wait in faith. The bible tells us in Romans 14:11, “For it is written: “[As] I live, says the LORD, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God.” The bible also tells us in Philippians 2:10 that, “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,” To some degree these verses are encouraging especially if you have tirelessly attempted to defend your faith unsuccessfully. One thing we can remember is that one-day God will deal with all of these types of people who are spreading this great apostasy. The last and final judge is God; and mark my words He will handle things in the last days. Charles Haddon Spurgeon said, “Not a single person shall escape the Judgment! There shall be no omission from the calendar! Every being of the race of Adam shall answer for himself! “The kings of the earth, and the great men, and the chief captains and the mighty men, and every slave, and every free man” must see the face of Him that sits upon the Throne of God!” Let's continue to pray for the lost. Let's continue to pray for those who need Jesus. And let's continue to pray that people would respond to the gospel!